Podcast: Practical 'beyond Sunday' use cases for online church

Use Cases for Online Church
Rob Perry is the Online Pastor at Lifepointe Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. Rob recently shared some of his insights from having experimented with Altar Live as part of a cohort of churches sponsored by Stadia Church Planting.
Rob shared how he sees this as a milestone point in church history.
"In the online church world, we’re going to get to do things and innovate like never before!"
More than a year after getting online as quickly as they could, Rob began to identify the areas where first-generation online church fell short.
"We had lots of viewers, but not engaged people. How can we create true community online? How do we get folks out of isolation?"
Rob observed that Sunday services are one thing, but there was a lot of opportunity for innovation beyond Sunday.
"We’ve got two big use case buckets. Church-on-the-block groups. These are expressions of the church throughout the community. There are a few of them meeting now, and there are going to be a whole lot more. They are meeting physically, and we’ve got digital content. How do we leverage this? We are looking to Altar Live -- yes, show the content, but how can we get the community together around tables online?
Our other big use case bucket is our women’s and men’s ministries. They’d been meeting online, and then as some people slowly get comfortable meeting in person, how do we combine that? If we get a camera in one of the in-person meetings, with a livestream going to Altar Live, we can create a multi-modal experience.
These two big use cases are important for us, beyond looking at Altar Live for Sunday service."
Listen to the full podcast on the Stadia site here.