Email Template: Introduce Altar Live to Your Community

Copy and paste the email template below to introduce Altar Live to your church community!
Subject: A new way to gather on Sunday
Hello church!
This past year we have learned to worship, serve one another, and meet the needs of our community in all kinds of new ways. Many of us have felt the loss of being physically present together. Others of us may have found some unexpected benefits to our new ways of gathering - online services have actually "opened doors" for some: those who are physically disabled, have to coordinate rides to get to church, introverts, family or friends who were not previously a part of our church community, and seekers who now get to see what our church is all about. We have found some unexpected light in the darkness of this season of disruption.
The church has always been bigger than a building. We believe our online ministry will be more like a front door door than a back door to our gatherings. Even so, there are many things we still miss about gathering together: the hellos, sharing of news, organic discussion about the sermon, and praying with and for one another.
We've tired many different platform for engagement, and we are excited to share that we have found a way to make our online gathering even better, more engaging! A number of us have tried it a few times, and we think it is a great way to deepen engagement with each other. It’s easy to use -- if you’ve already mastered videoconferencing, you’ll find this about the same level.
The platform is called Altar Live. Imagine bringing the Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom all into the same platform, designed for churches. Here are the things we’’ll be able to do:
And there are many more parts of the platform we are excited to utilize as a community.
Our first event on Altar Live will be ____________. We will send out instructions on how to set up an account (it is easy), and where to connect online.
Learn how to set up your community, create events and meetings, and other admin features.
Learn how to set up your community, create events and meetings, and other admin features.
Learn how to set up your community, create events and meetings, and other admin features.