Greeter Guidelines and Best Practices

Your church has chosen Altar Live as a way to deepen engagement online among your congregation. Your role as a Greeter during Sunday service and other events will be one of the keys to helping people get the most out of the interactive experience.
Note: This section is intended for hosts in charge of assigning greeters. If this isn't you, feel free to skip ahead to the "Chat" section.
When you first consider assigning someone as a Greeter, you are probably thinking of your current welcome team for your physical church building. For sure, that is a great place to start. You have likely already discovered, though, that the same skills and gifts for welcoming in person -- good eye contact, a knack for recognizing faces, an easy smile, and a firm handshake -- do not readily translate to an online medium.
Your Greeters on Facebook and YouTube have probably learned a few easy ‘tricks’ to help draw attendees into the chat. They ask where people are tuning in from, or use ice-breaker questions (What’s your favorite pizza topping?). Go back to those events, and take a look at who has regularly chimed in with a response in the chat. These people are clearly comfortable with online interaction, and respond positively to bids for relationship.
You will likely be pleasantly surprised at some of the names. And, they also may be pleasantly surprised to be asked. Some of them may be names of people who have never volunteered before. Some may be folks who usually leave the building directly after the service, who find the social chit-chat of fellowship time over coffee to be unappealing, but who are quite at home behind a keyboard and a screen.
Many of them have probably never been directly, personally invited to be a Greeter or a member of your welcome team. When you inquire with them, start by recognizing their positive contribution to the life of your church’s online experience. Who knows? You may be uncovering many lights that have been hidden under bushels until this past year! So much of Covid and the switch to online has been disruptive and unwelcome. Here is a great chance for some who ordinarily have remained in the shadows to have a powerful impact on the culture of your community.
Note: This section is intended for hosts in charge of assigning greeters. If this isn't you, feel free to skip ahead to the "Chat" section.
When the administrator for your church’s Altar Live community sets up an event, they will assign one or more Greeters. A few things about that assignment:
Altar Live will send an email notification to everyone who has been assigned as a Greeter for the event.
When attendees enter the event, they will see your greeting in the Welcome panel. If there are multiple Greeters assigned to an event, the system will randomly choose one Greeter’s message to appear for some attendees and other Greeters’ messages for other attendees.
The attendee can Dismiss the message, or reply to it. If they hit Reply, they will be brought to the Message panel.
The Message panel has two columns: General Chat for messages that are visible to the entire audience; and My Chats, which are private conversations visible only to the people messaging each other.
Your welcome message as a Greeter is a private conversation with each individual attendee. When they reply to you, those messages will be in your My Chats column as a private exchange between the two of you.
Persistent Conversations
One extra thing to know about chats is that private direct message conversations between you and another person are persistent from one event to another. That is, if you started a conversation with an attendee last Sunday, that conversation will still be “live” next Sunday. This allows you to pick up where you left off without losing the context of your previous messages.
For example, if an attendee sends you a message next week, you are not required to instantly recall all the details of your last conversation. The entire chat history is right there. Think of it like your phone’s text message history, where all your conversations are stored for future reference.
Greeting Anonymous Attendees
Anonymous attendees are given the name Visitor + 4 digit number. This is a highly useful feature for you as a Greeter. You are able to see a full list of everyone present at the event. This is a powerful difference from social media pages, where no one is visible until they speak up in the chat. In fact, this is the reason social media Greeters often ask big broad questions about favorite ice cream flavors or vacation spots. These icebreakers do more than just generate a bit of chatter -- they induce people to declare their presence by name.
Think of visitors in your physical building, where some people happily wear a name tag, while others opt out when offered to stick a name tag on their shirt. They are still visible to everyone, just not identified. It’s the same in Altar Live. Everyone is visible.
This provides you as the Greeter with the opportunity to initiate a conversation with anyone, and not have to wait until they ‘raise their hand’ in the chat.
Anonymous attendees are able to watch the livestream, and can chat with a Greeter. They can see the conversation thread in General Chat, but are not able to contribute to the General Chat. Likewise, they are not able to take a seat in a row to sit together with another attendee. Only signed-in attendees have access to the full chat and videoconferencing features.
Chat Moderation and Attendee Dismissals
As a Greeter, on a rare occasion you may find that the behavior of a particular attendee is unduly distracting and disruptive to others. A typical occurrence: an adult’s laptop or mobile phone has been temporarily taken over by a youngster who types “hi” over and over (and over and over) into the chat. It’s cute at first, but it clutters up the chat.
Greeters have the ability to delete chat entries made by others, an temporarily "time out" a use
Also, in the even less likely case that a bad actor has become a nuisance, Greeters have the ability to dismiss an attendee. That attendee is removed from the event, and will not be able to re-enter this event or any future event until they are re-instated by the admin.
The heart of an experience in Altar Live is the small group videoconferencing. Sunday services and other church events on social media platforms are largely built around consumption. Greeters and leaders put tremendous energy into deepening real engagement on these platforms, but it is a steep uphill climb. A typical church service on social media will see about 10% of the attendees actually participate in the chat. And, of those 10%, almost half the contributions are made by the pastoral staff and just one or two other chat-intensive attendees. In other words, the engagement is not very broad, and it is not very deep.
Why so shallow?
In the online world, there’s a well-known ratio: 1% are creators of content, 9% are commenters on the content, and the other 90% are consumers (sometimes referred to as lurkers... that’s funny, nobody refers to people in your church building as lurkers).
The promise of Altar Live, and your role as a Greeter, is to foster meaningful engagement among the online attendees - much of which will happen in intimate conversations among two or three, or within a small group of a half dozen or more. Traditionally, it happens in organic conversations in your fellowship room over coffee, nd out at lunch after service at a nearby restaurant, or in a conveniently located room off the sanctuary where there is space for quiet, private prayer.
The rows and tables and rooms are an integral part of an Altar Live event. In a church building, no one really needs to draw a map or usher people to where they want to meet up with others. Online, though, they need a little help, a little nudge, a little encouragement. This is where your presence as a Greeter calls for more than just a smile and a friendly face.
Encourage Attendees To Take a Seat
Everyone watching the livestream sees a seating chart beneath the livestream video. But, until there are a lot of people sitting, many people choose to wait to see what others do. Who will be the first to sit? And who will join them? Your job is to help people overcome that inertia.
Use General Chat to
Use Direct Messages to
There is no need to force or compel anyone to take a seat. In fact, it is not unusual for most people to not sit during the livestream.
Greeters help guide the flow of the service online by making Announcements. There are particular moments to bring everyone’s attention to what is going on -- a time of offering, corporate prayer, and transitions during and after the service.
Any of the Greeters can create new announcements at any time, save them as drafts, and publish them at the appropriate time.
There are three styles of announcements:
Panel option: appears on the right side of the screen.
Modal option (pop-up): which appears in the middle of the screen to prevent attendees from missing a particularly important announcement
Notification option: appears in the lower right corner for less intrusive messages. These notifications will show up even if the attendee does not have the Messages panel open.
Your announcement can include a link that will open up a new tab alongside the current Altar Live tab. For example, you may want to link to:
There is also one particular announcement that you as the Greeter will want to make: “Remain with us after the end of the service -- we will all move to the Lobby for fellowship.” In fact, you will want to mention this in the chat, and perhaps make more than one announcement about moving to the Lobby at appropriate times during the service.
The Lobby is where a lot of engagement happens.
At the end of the service, any Greeter who has been assigned “Host” status is able to move the entire gathering from the auditorium where the livestream has been playing to the Lobby.
Tip: It will be wise to make the announcement just as the formal service is coming to a close. In most church services, music plays an integral part. At an in-person gathering, this is a sign for everyone to get up and leave the auditorium, but not necessarily to leave the building! Many people gather in a room or the basement for fellowship over coffee. In Altar Live, when people hear the recessional, postlude music, you don’t want them to leave! You want them to move to the Lobby. Make sure you pre-empt that with a prominent modal announcement that pops up in the center of the screen, inviting everyone to continue fellowship in the Lobby.
The process of taking a seat is the same in the Lobby as it is in the auditorium: attendees simply click on a seat at an available table, and they are joined by up to three other people in a private videoconference session.
Some best practices to help Lobby fellowship flow naturally:
Give a name to some tables. Consider inviting the pastor(s) to sit at a table to make themselves available. Click the pencil icon next to a table to edit the name -- Meet the Pastors, Meet Pastor Dave, Meet the Musicians, etc.
Create other tables with a particular purpose: Next Steps, Welcome Table, Newcomers. During the early weeks, even a Tech Support table for people with questions about using the Altar Live platform.
Note for Hosts: One table to think about: “Want to be a Greeter?” You’ll always want more Greeters for Altar Live events. Give this label to one of the tables, and see who shows up. Make sure there is a Greeter there to greet them!
Encourage participation. You will notice quite a few wallflowers at first. Many of them need some encouragement or a gentle nudge to try the tables for the first time.
In general, your role as a Greeter is to make people feel welcome, seen, and heard. That means you can see and hear them, and it means that they feel can easily be seen and heard by others (and vice versa).
You can do this by being extra-present at the event.
Learn how to set up your community, create events and meetings, and other admin features.
Learn how to set up your community, create events and meetings, and other admin features.
Learn how to set up your community, create events and meetings, and other admin features.