How to Use Announcements

You can communicate with the attendees and church community during services, events, and meetings using the announcement feature. You can access the announcement panel by clicking on the megaphone icon on the right side of the screen.
Panel: The panel type will appear on the right side of the screen so it can easily be seen by any attendee. When you receive an announcement, the panel will automatically open so the announcement can be read.
Modal: When someone sends the modal type, the announcement will appear in the middle of the screen for easy visibility, and accessibility, and to ensure that every attendee will not miss any important messages.
Notification: The notification option will appear in the little icon on the right side of the screen as well as open the panel so you can read the message without disturbing the service.
Community members who have host or greeter permissions can send announcements to all attendees.
Step 1. Click on the little icon on the right side of the screen. This will open the announcement panel.
Step 2. At the bottom of the page, click the “Add New Announcement” button.
Step 3: Select the “notification type” drop-down menu and choose the announcement type.
Step 4. Add your title and message and you are ready to send!
If you want to add an external link to your announcement, simply press the “add a button for an external link” box. Then, type in the button text and add the button link. When you send out the announcement people will be able to press the text button and be taken to the added link. It will open a new tab online or take people to the browser on their mobile device
Important Note: You can also create events early ahead of time by going to an event early and saving the announcements as drafts.
If you want to save an announcement without publishing it, press the “Save As Draft” button at the very bottom of the page. This will save the announcement and it can easily be edited by hovering over the three dots.
Once every box is filled out and desired links are added, press the “Publish” button and your announcement will be sent to the attendees.
Panel: The panel type will appear on the right side of the screen so it can easily be seen by any attendee. When you receive an announcement, the panel will automatically open so the announcement can be read.
Modal: When someone sends the modal type, the announcement will appear in the middle of the screen for easy visibility, accessibility, and to ensure that every attendee will not miss any important messages.
Notification: The notification option will appear in the little icon on the right side of the screen as well as open the panel so you can read the message without disturbing the service.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.