Role of the Hospitality Team

The hospitality team creates a welcoming experience for first-time visitors and regular attendees and helps with general event management. They can chat with both general viewers and logged-in members, answer questions, manage permissions and remove people from the event.
Hosts and Greeters:
Hosts Only:
A Host is just a Greeter with extra permissions. Hosts have all the same permissions, however, only Hosts can start Live stream by clicking Go Live, move users around the event space, and end it by clicking on End Event for All.
Step 1: To add a Host or Greeter to the event, all you need is to click on Add members during Live event creation on the Team step.
Step 2: When the pop-up with the members is opened, click Select.
Step 3: Select one or more members to be a Host by clicking on the checkbox near the name.
Step 4: You can remove a member from your Hospitality Team by clicking on the trash bin near the checkbox.
Want to learn more about the Hospitality team on Altar Live? Check out our Host Checklist for Going Live!
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.