

Description: A virtual meeting space for your workshop.

Type: Meeting

Stream Source: Altar’s meeting rooms.



Max members - choose more than the number of people you expect

Everyone starts with the microphone off - On 


Assign Hosts to run the event

Tip: Hosts can help people having issues and remove users from the meeting

Who Can Join:

Public - Anyone

Set up Your Space:

Lobby with tables - On (for coffee-shop style discussions)

Lobby with rooms - On 

  • If you’re having multiple talks going on at once, add one room per talk (properly labeled)
  • If you’re only having one talk at a time, you can have one meeting room

Event Flow


Greeters/Hosts Arrive

Welcome and connect with early attendees 

Encourage attendees to take a seat and talk (ask greeters to lead by example)

Announce when you will be moving to the meeting rooms

  • Title: “First Session starting soon”
  • Text: “The first session will be starting in 5 min.  Feel free to make your way to the meeting room - and be sure to ask a Greeter for help if you get lost!”

During (meeting):

Move to rooms

  • If there is only one talk occurring at that time, manually move everyone to that room
  •  Otherwise, announce which rooms are currently open

Assign at least one host/greeter to make sure everyone (including late attendees) makes it to the appropriate room

Invite attendees to raise their hands if they have questions

  • If attendees aren’t comfortable or cannot use the microphone, invite them to ask questions in the chat
  • If the event is large, assign one host/greeter to pick out the best questions from the general chat to ask in a private chat

Announce when the current session will be ending

  • Title: “Session ending soon”
  • Text: “The session will be ending in 5 min. - but don’t go anywhere!  Join us at the tables in the lobby to chat!!”

During (in-between times):

Encourage attendees to take a seat and talk (ask greeters to lead by example)

Announce when you will be moving to the meeting rooms/ when specific talks will be happening

  • Title: “Next Session starting soon”
  • Text: “The next session will be starting in 5 min.  Feel free to make your way to the meeting room - and be sure to ask a Greeter for help if you get lost!”

Send a get-to-know-you poll 

  • Title: “Hello!”
  • Text: “We’d love to get to know you better.  Do you prefer…”
  • Option 1: “Christmas”
  • Option 2: “Thanksgiving”
  • Option 3: “Easter“
  • Option 4: “Harvest Festival”

Send a get-to-know-you poll (later)

  • Title: “Hello!”
  • Text: “We’d love to get to know you better.  Do you prefer…”
  • Option 1: “Cake”
  • Option 2: “Ice Cream”
  • Option 3: “Cookies“
  • Option 4: “Candies”


Announce when the meeting will end (so as to not catch people off guard)

  • Title: “Thanks for coming”
  • Text: “The meeting will be ending in 5 min.  Thank you for joining us!  If you want to connect, check out our website here!
  • Button: [your url]
  • Button Text: “Take me there”

If you run into trouble along the way, check out our Help Center, or contact us via chat.

Community Members

Participating in a Meeting for Community Members

Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.

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Community Members

How to Add a Virtual Background

Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.

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Community Members

Customize Event Beginning and Ending

Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.

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