3 Ways to Increase Engagement in Your Online Christmas Service

How to Increase Engagement in Your Online Christmas Services and Online Events?
How can Hosts and Greeters maintain engagement, encourage participation, and get everyone into the Christmas spirit? Here is a helpful Host and Greeter guide for all your holiday festivities.
Tip #1: Make People Feel Welcome
In any service the welcome message is always a crucial part. For instance, in Altar Live, it is the first thing people see when they log on! The message is meant to make people feel comfortable, welcomed, and seen. As Hosts and Greeters, your goal is to make people feel like they are a part of the church community no matter where they are or how many times they have attended your church.
As the Christmas season approaches, this gives you an opportunity to welcome attendees with a message that will help them prepare their heart for the advent season or add a dash of holiday fun.
Christmas Welcome Message Example Text
“Welcome to Faith Church. We are so glad you are here today! Before the service, take this time to get your cup of coffee, mingle with people in the rows, and read Isaiah 11:1-5 as you prepare for the Advent season.”
“Hello Everyone! We are so thankful you have joined us today. While you’re waiting, take a seat, greet someone in your row, and send your Christmas movie recommendations in the chat! The service will begin soon.”
"Happy Sunday, everyone! The countdown to Christmas has begun! Feel free to take a seat, grab your cup of coffee. If you are new or have any questions send us a question in the chat or ask our greeters."

Tip #2: Use Announcements in Your Church Live stream & Church Events
Using Announcement Templates (with Examples)
Have you set up your Polls and Announcement Templates yet?
Use announcements throughout the service to alert attendees of important messages. Announcements can be more effective than the chat and there are few styles to choose from.
Announcements can be used to:
- Alert attendees about the service structure
- Ask for Christmas Donations
- Prepare them before moving the whole Event to the Lobby
- Remind people of upcoming events
Christmas Announcement Example Text
Text: We will be raising money for St. Mary’s Children’s hospital this Christmas season. Please prayerfully consider giving to this cause. You can support financially here.
Button: Support St. Mary’s This Christmas
Link to: Donation Page
Title: After Service Fellowship
Text: We will be moving to the tables in the virtual lobby after the sermon, so grab a cup of hot chocolate or coffee and hang around after the event has finished.
Title: Christmas Service Time
Text: Next week’s online Christmas service will be combined and meet at 10:30 AM EST.

Virtual Event Tip #3: Use Polls in Your Church Livestream & Church Events
Using Poll Templates (With Examples)
In the Event space, the use for Polls is endless. They are great for getting a consensus on certain decisions and a perfect way to get people to engage with each other. It may seem simple, but light, fun questions will encourage people to participate and connect with each other.
Polls can be used to:
- Engage the congregation in reflection on the Christmas message
- Create fun icebreakers to lift holiday spirits
- Prompt lighthearted conversation in Rows and Tables before and after the service
Christmas Poll Example Questions
- What is your favorite Christmas Movie?
- What part of the Christmas story resonates with you the most? (Angels singing to the Shepherds, Mary treasuring everything in her heart, No room in at the Inn, etc.)
- Are you Team Animated or Jim Carrey Grinch?
- Favorite Christmas Song?
- Which do you prefer: Caroling or Ice Skating?
- Do you have the three wise men in your Nativity scene?
- Would you rather have: Christmas in Hawaii or Snowy Vermont?

We hope that through welcome messages, announcements, and polls, your team can come together to create a welcoming space, maintain engagement and encourage participation! In coming together and engaging deeper with event attendees, we know your team will help spread the Christmas spirit, even online.