Connecting Resi to Altar Live

Resi is a live stream provider offering simultaneous live streaming to your website, Facebook, YouTube, and more. You can stream directly from Resi by selecting Resi as your stream provider from the event creation page and pasting your video link in the provided field. Resi is affordable and reliable when it comes to live streaming an online church service
Altar supports the HLS (*.m3u8) video formats from Resi.
Using the HLS URL allows users to seek backward, forwards, or play and pause.
*Only Resi Pro Plans have Stream URLs to connect to Altar Live.
Step 1: From the event creation page, complete the steps up to step 4, Stream.
Step 2: Select Live video and select Resi as your stream provider.
Step 3: Paste your stream URL (select the .m3u8 link) from Resi. Learn more about how to find your Stream URLs in Resi.
Step 4: Publish the event.
Once an event is published, you can join an Altar Live event at any time when you click on the event URL. Before an event goes live, people will see the countdown timer and any pre-events slides that have been added.
Start Time: The live stream feed will begin at the specified event Start Time that is specified when you create the event in Atlar Live. The Start Time should not be before your Web Event is Available to Watch as listed in your Resi Schedule, either Live or Sim-Live. You may manually override the Start Time and start the event early within the AltarLive event by using the Go Live button.
End Time: The event will not automatically end at the specified end time. The event will stay active until a Host clicks End Event for All. However, you will schedule a stop for the live stream in Resi. Once the live stream stops streaming from Resi, or at any time that you wish, you can move people to the Lobby or choose to end the event for everyone.
Your live stream from Resi will stop playing 2 minutes after your scheduled stop from your Resi Schedule (the duration of your Web Event plus the playback delay).
Want to learn why Altar Live is the best engagement alternative? We compared Altar Live VS Church Online!
Learn about how to connect your live stream feed to Altar Live.
Learn about how to connect your live stream feed to Altar Live.
Learn about how to connect your live stream feed to Altar Live.