Multistreaming from Altar Live

Altar Live's multi-streaming feature allows you to distribute your live stream to other platforms at the same time as Altar Live. Below you will find instructions on how to find RTMP information for popular platforms.
In order to multi-stream to multiple destinations, you will need to connect your video feed to Altar Live via RTMP from your stream provider (i.e. OBS, Wirecast, Zoom, etc).
Multi-Streaming Destinations
Step 1. Sign into Altar Live
Step 2. Click on “create new event”.
Step 3. When you get to the Stream options, select the Live toggle option and choose Altar Live as your stream provider.
Step 4. Select if you want to multi-stream to Facebook, YouTube or both.
Step 5. Paste the URL and Stream Key from your Facebook or YouTube accounts into the corresponding boxes. If you need more help finding the URL and stream key for various platforms check out this article.
Step 6. Publish your event.
I had to stop my stream suddenly, why won't it re-connect?
Rapidly stopping/starting a stream can cause miscommunication between your livestream and the server. If you absolutely must stop/start a livestream, try waiting at least 30 seconds before either stopping and/or starting it again (even if nothing appears to change). This helps ensure smooth communication between your streaming software and the server.
Why will my livestream software not connect to Altar Live?
Here are some troubleshooting tips you can use if your livestream software is giving you error messages or not showing that it is connected to Altar Live:
Why does my livestream appear in the Altar player, but not the other destinations?
If your livestream isn't connecting to all your multi-stream destinations, here are some tips you can try:
Learn about how to connect your live stream feed to Altar Live.
Learn about how to connect your live stream feed to Altar Live.
Learn about how to connect your live stream feed to Altar Live.