Getting Ready for Your Easter Church Events 2024
This year, Easter is coming early. And with Easter Sunday being one of the largest days for church attendance, you’ve most likely already started getting ready for the big day.
Whether this is your first Easter Livestream or your 10th, this handy checklist will help you get ready to stream and engage with your community online.
Step 1: Prepare your software for online community engagement
Your software is a key element in a successful livestream. Ensuring your streaming software and connection will meet your needs ahead of time can save you time on the big day.
Test your connection
Your internet speed and stability is a crucial element of your livestream. Minor drops in connection can disrupt your stream, and a slow connection could cause buffering and data loss.
Plan for engagement
Strategize how your attendees will connect both with your church and each other during the event. Many stream providers such as YouTube provide a way for attendees to view your stream, but they often lack the connection that is offered through in-person attendance. Consider using an engagement platform that connects to your existing stream provider such as Altar Live to offer a more engaging experience for your online attendees.
Landing Page
Having a landing page you can point attendees to is a great way to simplify your Easter strategy. Instead of sharing multiple Zoom links or stream directions, you can share one landing page that acts as a calendar for all your events.
If you already have a landing page, be sure to update your images and links for the season. Even a couple of fresh new images can signal to visitors that your page is up-to-date and dependable.
💡 Did you know? Each community comes with it's own customizable landing page. Learn how to make a eye-catching landing page here!
Step 2: Ready your live streaming equipment
Often overlooked, your equipment is a key element in a successful livestream. While running a full “dry run” of your system does take some effort, it can help you avoid those last-minute tech changes.
Make sure your mics are correctly positioned and leveled. As cliche as a little “testing 123” is, it goes a long way.
It also might be beneficial to test all your microphones at the same time to check for feedback loops and interference. If you’re using hybrid methods and bringing an online interaction or guest to your in-person audience, it’s especially crucial to make sure that the audio is correctly configured to avoid feedback screeches.
Checking your camera’s settings can save you time on the big day. Make sure your camera’s connection to your studio software is stable enough to stream, whether wireless or tethered. Much like your internet speed, if you have multiple cameras connected, make sure that their speed is sufficient while all of them (and any other devices) are connected.
To make sure your stream is as high-quality as possible, be sure to check your quality and color settings as well as your connection.
This step is especially important if you don’t livestream regularly, or just want to upgrade your stream for the big event. Proper lighting can make or break a livestream, so it’s worth the effort! Here are 3 quick things to check for when setting up your lighting:
- Brightness - even if it’s easy for your eyes to see in a room, cameras often require more or specific lighting to capture detail. Make sure your lighting decisions reflect the needs of not only your in-person audience (if you have one) but your camera’s sensitivities as well.
- Balance - too much light from any side can create distorting shadows that make it difficult for cameras to get a clear view
- Backlight - intense backlight can create a darkening effect on the foreground, and makes it nearly impossible for cameras to capture any foreground detail.
Whatever technology you’re using - from a smartphone to a multi-desktop output - make sure it’s up-to-date and running smoothly. Consider closing unnecessary background processes and confirming you have an adequate power supply before the event. Be sure to check that you have all the correct connectors and adapters ready to go as well!
Step 3: Communicate beyond the church pew
From bulletins to slideshows, you’ll most likely use some sort of text or visual communication during your in-person service. Creating virtual versions of these materials can help your attendees feel more included and involved both before and after the live stream.
Order of service
A schedule or order of service is a great way to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Using virtual tools such as Altar’s host notes allows you to share your schedule with your team right where they need it - in your event! Host notes are also editable for last-minute changes and communications.
Presentation materials
As tempting as it is to leave finishing your slideshow or doing the final video edits last minute, finalizing your presentations ahead of time can save you from major frustrations later.
Consider including your presentation materials in your dry runs to ensure you have the correct video players, plugins, and settings ready ahead of time.
Virtual handouts
If you’re running a hybrid service, consider creating virtual versions of any in-person handouts you’ve created.
Tools like Altar’s automated interactions allow you to set up your announcements ahead of time for peace of mind
Step 4: Empower your team with your church welcome strategy
Just like an in-person event, your online event will need ushers or greeters to welcome attendees and answer questions. Your host and greeter teams can also act as moderators and facilitators to make sure everyone feels welcome.
Set up for Success
Consider crafting a welcome message ahead of time to help your team communicate quickly and effectively. Whether automated or copied/pasted, a ready-to-go welcome message can be a huge help to your team.
No matter the size of your event, setting aside a day to run a dress rehearsal with your hosts and greeters allows you to answer questions early and work out any technical issues ahead of time.
💡 Did you know? Altar Live’s automated greeter message lets you send your welcome message automatically to new attendees. If a visitor chooses to reply, they’ll be instantly connected to a live chat with one of your hosts or greeters!
Be Prepared
While every church leader hopes that Easter morning goes perfectly and smoothly, having a backup plan can save you a headache if it doesn’t.
Here are 3 ways you can get ahead of the game and be prepared:
- Having backup cameras, mics, or even software might take you a little extra time to set up, but it could end up saving you time in the long run.
- Consider creating a troubleshooting checklist you can share with your hosts in the event visitors are having technical issues.
- Running a technical walkthrough with your hosts and greeters can equip them to better answer visitor questions. You might also want to consider discussing non-technical common questions about your church to make sure everyone has access to the information they need.
Wrapping it up
From double-checking connections to team meetings, a little extra prep can go a long way in making sure your community is ready for your event. We hope this stress-less guide helps you and your community prepare for a smooth and meaningful Easter weekend.
And of course, have a very Happy Easter!
Looking to host virtual online events or build a digital community but don’t know where to start? We’d love to chat! Book a time with us and we’ll show you how Altar can increase event engagement in your online community.
📞 Book a call with our online church engagement consultant who can help you increase engagement over 50%