Why You Should Have an Online Church Service

What is an Online Church Service?
In the last decade, it has not been uncommon to see many businesses and organizations shift into virtual platforms. This has allowed live-streaming and webinars. It is now perfectly normal to attend various events via livestream! An online church service is a way to bring people together in community, but without leaving the comfort of your own home. With an online church service, it is possible for prospective congregants and members to observe the service and see if the church is right for them. An online church service allows flexibility and a new form of community.
Record and Save the Service
There is a beauty to live events. Your attendees are all about being present and listening to what is happening in the moment. However, we can't rewind live events or save them if we miss the opportunity. But if you have an online church service, you will not only be able to capture the moments, but guarantee that church members will be able to the service even if they are not able to see it live, whether it be in person or virtually.
Ministering to the Surrounding Community
Sometimes, the idea of going to a church building is daunting to people. Perhaps they aren't frequent church-goers. Maybe they have never been to church, but always secretly wanted to, but never attended out of fear. Social anxiety can set in and endless questions and hypotheticals swirl around in people’s minds. Where will I sit? Who is going to be there? Will I see anyone I know? Will they like me? With an online church service, some of people’s fear and social anxiety will be lifted. It allows people to try church without fully committing. People can participate as much as they want or remain anonymous. An online church service allows prospective church members to grow accustomed to the church to their own comfort level
There are countless reasons as to why online church services are necessary and almost vital in our world today. Jeff Reed, the director of Digital Church Planting talks about the necessity of an online church service in reference to Jesus feeding the 5000:
“To properly reach people, you need to provide some value for them for that initial connection. Today in 2020, how can we reach people? Our church services, both physically and digitally, are losing value. Maybe it’s time for a fresh playbook, a fresh approach to reach people today. In today’s Social Influencer crowd, what does it look like to reach in order to connect with someone digitally? What can we do for people? How can we meet their needs, digitally? How can we entertain others in order to connect?”