How to Schedule Interactions
Polls and announcements are a great way to engage your audience -you can ask icebreaker questions, collect donations, or even send a virtual connection card. By scheduling interactions for specific points during your event, you can free up your hosts and greeters to interact with your attendees more personally.
When scheduling an interaction, you can either create a new interaction or use a template.
To create a new interaction:
During event creation/editing, select the "Interactions" page. From there, select "Add Interaction".
Select whether you want to create an announcement or a poll, and then fill out the required fields for the new interaction.
To Use a Template Interaction:
During event creation/editing, select the "Interactions" page. From there, select "Use Template".
From the dropdown, select the interaction you would like to schedule.
Once you've selected or created an interaction, you can schedule at what time you want the interaction to be sent.
Note: Post times are calculated from the start of the event. For example, if you would like your interaction to be sent 30 min. from the beginning of the event, set the send time to 00:30:00.
If you want your post to be sent out automatically, turn the "Post Automatically" toggle on. If you'd rather have a host or greeter send out the interaction manually at the specified time, turn the toggle off.
Note: Even if you don't schedule an interaction, a host or greeter can still send one out during the event manually. Check out our articles about using Announcements and using Polls.
Want to use Interactions to further engage your digital community, but don't know where to start? Check out our ready-made Poll Templates and Announcement Templates!
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.