5 Benefits of Online Giving

As many churches begin to pivot to online formats, online giving has become very popular. Churches seem to like online giving because it encourages people to give more often than they normally would. Here are even more benefits to online giving.
1. Automated Giving:
Online giving allows people to schedule automated monthly giving. This feature eliminates all forms of paperwork and easily allows the congregation to set up consistent giving. It not only will encourage people to give, but it will also not let people forget.
2. Efficient Giving:
Online giving is the most efficient way to give. It is contactless, paperless, and quick. Moving your giving online will appeal to all demographics, especially those who are used to online transactions.
3. Selected Giving:
One great feature that most online giving resources have is selected giving. This means that the congregation can choose where their donation can go. Churches can make designated sections for certain events, fundraisers, ministries, and so much more.
4. Secure Giving:
While some people prefer to send physical checks and snail mail when giving, it is not always the most secure. Most online giving platforms ensure full security and you won’t have to worry about anything getting lost in the mail.
5. Global Giving:
In the age of technology, people have a wider net of people to engage with. Social media and technology allows us to talk to and keep in touch with people from all over the world. With online giving, your giving base widens. Anyone in the world can give to your church; it doesn’t have to be in person anymore.