Personal Meeting Room Improvements & Duplicating Polls and Announcements

Clear Chat for Personal Meeting Rooms
When there are no longer any users in a Personal Meeting Room, the General chat will be cleared and returned to the empty state. You don't have to worry about messages lingering in the chat between meetings anymore!
Duplicate Polls & Announcements
We're working on some features to make the creation of Announcements & Polls even easier for you from week to week. The first feature we're releasing is the ability to carry over announcements and polls when you duplicate an event or meeting. When you duplicate an event or meeting, any announcement or polls that are published or in the draft state will now be duplicated to the new event or meeting.
- Published announcements and polls will be duplicated with the same publish date and time stamp as the original event or meeting they were copied from.
- Draft announcements and polls will remain as drafts in the new copied event or meeting.