Significant improvements to stability

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3 Features • 7 Improvements
Whether you created an account in Altar Live a day ago or have been with us since our launch, you know that we have been hard at work to continually stabilize the video-conference. We are excited to announce that today we released some significant updates in Altar Live. These are the first of many that will be rolling out in the coming weeks. Check out all the stability updates:
- Video disconnection will fix itself
- Seeing and hearing other people
- Member names not appearing on the list
- Resinated ability to add yourself as Host/Greeter
- Event creation options simplified
- Sent messages are now grouped
- Member list updates when anonymous users log in
- Notifications icon for unread direct messages
- Date/time tooltip to sent messages
- Member no longer showing the wrong name
🎉 New Video Conference Features
Video disconnection will fix itself
Previously during an Altar Live event, you may have experienced disconnecting from other people while seated at a table or row and you might not have reconnected right away.
Well we have good news! We have released updates to stabilization so it should trigger a reconnection much more seamlessly.
If your internet lags, even for a moment, the platform will automatically work to re-trigger a connection so you don't have to manually refresh your page. It may take 3-10 seconds to reconnect, depending on your internet speed. The better your wifi, the better your connection will be. But we know the reality is not everyone has the same wifi so the system will work to re-establish connection faster.
Seeing and hearing each other
If you've ever experienced not being able to hear or see someone else at your table or row, we have good news! This issue has been significantly improved. If someone's wifi is too weak, you may still not be able to hear or see them, or they may experience disconnection.
Member names not appearing on the list
Sometimes you may have seen someone's name disappear from the member list even though they were seated at a table or in a row. As connection has improved this week, member names should appear/disappear on the member list correctly.
💪 Improvements
Reinstated ability to add yourself as Host/Greeter
As promised, during the event creation you can now add yourself as a Host or Greeter again!
Event creation options simplified
When you click on Add New Event, you will enter the event creator instead of having to choose between event option types.

Member list updates when anonymous users log in
Sometimes when an anonymous person logged in, their pseudonym name still appeared on the member list. It should now disappear if the person logs in.

Sent messages are now grouped
Conversations will now look neater! Your messages sent within 1 minute of each other will show as grouped together.

Notifications icon for unread direct messages
When someone sends you a direct message, you now get a notification icon over the Direct Message tab.

Date/time tooltip to sent messages
If you want to see when a message was sent, you can now hover over the message to see time and date details.
Member showing the wrong name
As we worked on improvements, you may have temporarily experienced seeing the wrong name label on someone's video square. This issue has been resolved!