A focus on deleting & fixes

Check out what's new!
2 Features • 7 Improvements
You asked, and we heard you: deleting events is now available! Some weeks, our product updates are exploding with exciting new features. Other weeks, we focus on fine-tuning existing behavior. Guess which type of week this is? Updates include:
- Ability to delete events
- New design for event cards
- Fixed direct message bug
- The “send invitation immediately” option is checked by default
- Upgrade your plan from the event creation flow is responsive again
- Number of members online label is consistent on all screens
- Add New Member button is responsive again
🎉 New Features
Ability to delete events
You asked, and we heard you! You can now delete past, current, and future events. As a community admin, click on the three dots on an event card to delete an event.

New design for event cards
Updated design in coming to the whole platform, this week starting with event cards! New tags and layout is helps you better find ongoing, draft, and past events.
💪 Improvements
Fixed direct message bug
Direct messaging was mistakenly opening the general chat. This issue is now resolved.
Send invitation immediately is now the default
The checkbox "Send invitation immediately" is now automatically checked to make your manual uploading of members one step easier.

Ability to upgrade your plan from your event setup screens
If you've tried to upgrade your account from the stream creation flow, the upgrade option wasn't always responsive. You can now seamlessly move from the free tier to paid tier from anywhere in Altar Live!

Number of members online label is now consistent
While at a watch party or at a table, you'll notice the number of members online label now matches the true number.

The ‘Add Member’ button is now responsive
For a few days, the ‘Add Member' overlay was not clickable. It's fixed and ready for you to keep manually adding members!