Updates to Mobile Apps & Analytics
Time for analytics and app updates! 🎉 We're so glad to get to share with you all the bugs we've fixed and updates we've made.
Hopefully, you're as excited as we are that the Android app has been updated. We're grateful for both your patience and the perseverance of our development team while working through these persistent issues.
- "Back to Today" button for iOS on Events & Meetings screen
- App Crash fixes for Android
- App Crash fixes for iOS
- Android/Web interaction fixes
- Analytics reporting update

Android Updates
We’ve found and eliminated (hooray!) the bug that caused crashes during login/logout on the Android app. Users can now also see web users’ screen shares and cameras during Meetings. These improvements are live in the latest version of the Android app in the Google Play store.
We’re currently improving the connection between Android and web users even more, including repairing camera interactions and updating the way anonymous users are listed.

iOS Updates
We’ve also found (and fixed!) the bugs resulting in iOS app crashes and updated the calendar navigation with a handy "Go Back to Today" button. These improvements are live in the latest version of the iOS app in the Apple App store.
We’re currently working to ensure the magic link is working when you someone uses it to log in.

Analytics Updates
Many of you reported inaccurate analytics in our feedback survey, so we investigated.
We found one of the major reasons for inaccuracy in data. If an anonymous user rejoined after 5 minutes, they were counted as a returning visitor. Now, users will only count as returning if they join an event or meeting after 24 hours.
We’re continuing to improve our Analytics so that you can understand your community even better. We’re looking into how visitors are reported from across time zones, and how visitors who sign in after being anonymous are being reported. Our goal is to give you a better overview of who’s actually in your community.