New Templates Feature & Improvements!
We've added two new features - templates and favicons! Tired of typing the same announcements every week? Want to ask your audience members to fill out a poll every session, but don't want to constantly copy and paste? Try out our new announcement and poll template creation feature! Plus, make your community your own with favicons.
Creating Announcement & Poll Templates
Instead of typing in the same announcement over and over, you can now create announcement templates (yes, that means you don't need to keep looking for the giving link every Sunday). You can find the new template editor under "Community Settings".

Maybe you have a favorite poll that you know is sure to get community engagement, but you have to type it in every time you want to use it. Now you can make poll templates to save those favorite questions.

You can find out more about poll and announcement templates here.
Changing your Community Favicon
Your community is just that - your community! Now you can customize it even further using your favicons (the little images appearing at the left of each tab). To see how, check out this support article!

Attendance Bug Fixes
Goodbye bugs! We've made some changes to how we calculate attendance data to make reports more accurate, including eliminating discrepancies between concurrent users and other such inconsistencies. We've also changed attendance data to reflect attendees at an event only one hour before and one hour after an event (so when people just click on the wrong event they are not included as attendees).
App Status Update
We've made progress with both our Android and Apple apps and released a new version (1.0.49). However, there are a few known issues that we are working on. For Android, users' videos are not visible to other users in Rooms and Meetings. To resolve the issue, we are working on updating the video library. For both Android and Apple, occasional crashes have been persistent, and we are working to resolve this issue as well.